Finding medical solutions to improve humanity

The costs of new drug and medical device development and manufacturing is unsustainable. We focus on new developments that reduce costs and/or reduce the use of pre-clinical animal testing. Our accelerator promotes cost containment and technological advancements in the entire healthcare system. Startups that can accomplish this policy can be funded and mentored, through the maze of business development in this high cost of capital environment, all the way to success.

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Meet Our Team

Mike Russell | CEO

Joe Nowoslawski | Board Chairman

UHE was founded in Utah by successful healthcare executives in 2019 as a non profit organization with a key mission of educating scientist and engineer founders where there is a high potential innovation impact to be gained by complimenting their technological expertise with business, regulatory and fund raising expertise. 

Over the course of the past five years UHE and its members hosted many specialized events such as pitch competitions, regulatory presentations, and introductions to various investment sources. 

Macroeconomic Bio-Tech entrepreneurship (MBE)

Utah Health Entrepreneurs

The Macroeconomic Bio-Tech Entrepreneurship (MBE) startup-model devotes efforts to selectively educate, fund, and solve problems that are faced by bio-entrepreneurs who are laser focused on finding cost reductions of new drug and device development.

The Utah Health Entrepreneurs accelerator is devoted to furthering intellectual properties which improve upon chips, cells, AI/Machine Learning drug modeling, and reduction of regulatory costs such as replacing preclinical animal testing paths.

Learn more about MBE